Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Backbeat
Pages: 392
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-61713-606-1 • Paperback • January 2016 • $24.99 • (£18.99)
978-1-61713-659-7 • eBook • January 2016 • $23.50 • (£17.99)
Tom DeMichael (Chicago, Illinois) holds a degree in U.S. history and has published numerous books and magazine articles in subjects as diverse as American film, American firefighting, collectible toys, and television's greatest game shows. This is his third book in the FAQ series, following James Bond FAQ and Modern Sci-Fi Films FAQ.
As a lifelong fan of baseball, DeMichael has seen major and minor-league games all over the country. He is a member of SABR (the Society for American Baseball Research) and once legged a triple into a double during a Cubs fantasy camp game at Wrigley Field.