University Press Copublishing Division / University of Delaware Press
Pages: 298
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-61149-381-8 • Hardback • December 2011 • $128.00 • (£98.00)
978-1-61149-382-5 • eBook • December 2011 • $121.50 • (£94.00)
Roze Hentschell is associate professor of English at Colorado State University.
Kathy Lavezzo is associate professor of English at the University of Iowa.
Introduction by Roze Hentschell and Kathy Lavezzo
Part I: Community, Colonialism, and Nationhood
1. Influence, Appropriation, Piracy: The Place of Spain in English Literary History by Barbara Fuchs
2. Idleness, Humanist Industry, and English Colonial Activity in Thomas More’s “fruitfull, pleasant,” “wittie” and “profitable” Utopia by Shannon Miller
3. Amorous Scholastics: The Guilty Pleasures of the Middle English Floris
and Blauncheflour by Patricia Clare Ingham
Part II: Dramatic Forms
4. Delivery Rooms: Towards a Reconsideration of the Conclusion of The Tempest by Heather Dubrow
5. One Head is Better than Two: The Aphoristic Afterlife of Renaissance Tragedy by Frances E. Dolan
6. About Suffering, and on Dying: Shakespeare’s Re-invention of a Theater of Eschatological Identity in King Lear by James Nohrnberg
Part III: Travel and Geography
7. Dante, Michelangelo, and What We Talk about When We Talk about Poetry by Leonard Barkan
8. The Pleasures of the Land in Restoration England: The Social Politics of The Compleat Angler by Andrew McRae
Part IV: The Literary Career
9. Rival Laureates and Multiple Monuments: Collaborative Self-Crowning in France by Edwin M. Duval
10. Du Bellay’s “Source de La Meduse” by Margaret Ferguson
11. The Jacobean Prodigals by Michael O’Connell
12. Religious Affiliation in Elizabethan London: Richard Mulcaster, Edmund Spenser, and The Family of Love by Andrew Hadfield
Afterword: Helgersonland by Patricia Fumerton
Richard Helgerson: A Bibliography
About the Contributors