University Press Copublishing Division / University of Delaware Press
Pages: 374
Trim: 6⅜ x 9½
978-1-61149-367-2 • Hardback • November 2011 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
978-1-61149-368-9 • eBook • November 2011 • $135.50 • (£105.00)
Ute Berns is professor of English literature at the University of Hamburg.
Part 1: Discursive and Tropological Preliminaries
1. Discursive Horizons in Beddoes's Letters
2. Visual Figuration and Performativity in Death's Jest-Book
Part 2: The Politics of Revolutionary Bonapartism
3. The Republican Promise of Revolutionary Bonapartism
4. Roman Ideals in "Unroman Times"
5. Caesarist Visions of History
Part 3: The Radical Politics of Friendship
6. Friendship and Fraternity in Crisis
7. Friendship(-)Haunting Sovereignty
8. Re-signifying the Friend
Part 4: History and the Sciences of Life
9. The Discourse of "Life" in "Squats on a Toad-Stool"
10. Life Science, Natural History and Politics in Death's Jest-Book
Part 5: Towards a New Theater
11. Performing Genres and the Uses of Illegitimacy
Thomas Lovell Beddoes has been discussed more frequently in recent years, but books devoted to him are relatively rare. Ute Berns’s Science, Politics, and Friendship in the Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes will therefore be essential reading for Beddoes scholars. . . .This is a long, very full book. Berns takes every opportunity to fill in as much historical detail as she can. For this reason the book is very informative . . . It will . . . become a touchstone in Beddoes criticism for many years.
— The Year's Work In English Studies