University Press Copublishing Division / Bucknell University Press
Pages: 220
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-61148-779-4 • Hardback • November 2016 • $117.00 • (£90.00)
978-1-61148-781-7 • Paperback • November 2019 • $50.99 • (£39.00)
978-1-61148-780-0 • eBook • November 2016 • $48.00 • (£37.00)
Vincent Stephens is the director of the Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity at Dickinson College.
Anthony Stewart is professor of English at Bucknell University.
List of Illustrations
Foreword byCarmen Gillespie
Introduction: The Postracial—The General and the ParticularsbyVincent Stephens and Anthony Stewart
Part I. Whose Ideal? The History and the Fiction of Postraciality
Chapter 1: Frederick Douglass Confronts the Post-Slavery Argument: Regarding Some Origins of the Postracial Idea byÉva Tettenborn
Chapter 2: Black Is Red All Over Again: The Returns of Cold War Anticommunist Rhetoricby James Zeigler
Chapter 3: College Students Counter the Postracial Narrative by Mary Jo McCloskey
Chapter 4: The Death of Race: Living Posthumouslyin a Postracial Societyby Whitney Shepard
Chapter 5: Against “Lynch Law” in the Age of Extrajudicial Killing and War Crimes by Spring Ulmer
Part II. Applying and Misapplying the Postracial
Chapter 6: Are We the “Future Americans”? Charles Chesnutt Anticipates a Postracial American Society by Cherise A. Pollard
Chapter 7: The Desire for the End of Race: Barthes, Everett, and the Belief in the Postracialby Anthony Stewart
Chapter 8: Guns on the Border of Black and Queer: Firearms and Redemption Schemes in Tarantino’s Pulp Fictionby Joshua Brewer
Chapter 9: Postracism in Heidi W. Durrow’s The Girl Who Fell from the Sky: Racial Identity and the New Universal Subjectby Márcia C. Agustini
About the Contributors