University Press Copublishing Division / Bucknell University Press
Pages: 202
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-1-61148-646-9 • Hardback • November 2014 • $105.00 • (£81.00)
978-1-61148-648-3 • Paperback • November 2014 • $58.99 • (£45.00)
978-1-61148-647-6 • eBook • November 2014 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
Kate Parker is assistant professor of English at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse.
Norbert Sclippa is professor of French at the College of Charleston.
Kate Parker
Part I: Feeling, Thinking, Reading Sade
Chapter 1: Coitus Interruptus: Sadean Intimacy and the End(s) of Narrrative
Christopher Nagle and Courtney Wennerstrom
Chapter 2: The Reader in the Boudoir
Eliane Moraes
Chapter 3: Obscenity off the Scene: Sade’s La Philosophie dans le boudoir
John Phillips
Chapter 4: Sade, Philosophy and Fiction
Norbert Sclippa
Part II: In Pursuit of D.A.F. de Sade
Chapter 5: “A little short fat man, thirty-five years of age, inconceivably vigorous, and hairy as a bear”: The Figure of the Philosopher in Sade
Caroline Warman
Chapter 6: Sade at the End of the World
Natania Meeker
Chapter 7: Sade and the Medical Sciences: Pathophysiology of the Novel and the Rhetoric of Contagion
Mladen Kozul
Chapter 8: The Marquis, the Monster and the Scientist: Sade, Sexology and Criticism
Will McMorran
Notes on Contributors
Published to commemorate the bicentennial of D. A. F. de Sade's death, this collection of essays argues that the 21st century deserves a more complete picture of Sade. Parker and Sclippa present the essays in two sections: 'Thinking, Feeling, Reading Sade' and 'In Pursuit of D. A. F. de Sade.' Part 1 focuses on common themes in Sadean scholarship—apathy, perversion, obscenity, and the carnivalesque. The contributors demonstrate that Sade uses these themes as a means of political critique of the Revolution, rather than simply to titillate. The essays in part 2 present Sade as an individual who was firmly part of the Enlightenment, rather than lurking on the boundaries. Moreover, in this section, the authors argue that in addition to being a product of his era, Sade's writings on materialism, medicine, and sexuality have the ability to reach across centuries, influencing discussions in the 21st century. As Parker notes in her introduction, 'Sade is both curious … and a curiosity,'an author who continues to provoke. This book offers a compelling collection of writings attesting to the enduring offerings of the divin marquis. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty.
— Choice Reviews