University Press Copublishing Division / Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
Pages: 370
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-61147-630-9 • Hardback • November 2013 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
978-1-61147-631-6 • eBook • November 2013 • $135.50 • (£105.00)
William J. Nichols is associate professor of Spanish at Georgia State University.
H. Rosie Song is associate professor of Spanish at Bryn Mawr College.
TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF ILLUSTRATIONSIntroduction1) Back to the Future: Towards a Cultural Archive of la Movida (William Nichols & H. Rosi Song)I. Theorizing la Movida2) “La Movida as Debate” (Jordi Marí)3) “From the Unrest to la Movida. Cultural Politics and Pop Music in the Spanish Transition” (Héctor Fouce)4) “The Same in Name, but Different: la Movida madrileña and the other ‘Movidas’ of Spain” (Hamilton Stapell)5) “In/Authenticities: Movida Youth Culture in Motion” (Christine Henseler)II. Peripheral Movidas and Media Revolutions6) “The Dark Heart of la Movida: Vampire Fantasies in Iván Zulueta’s Arrebato” (Alberto Mira)7) “Peripheral Movidas: Cannibalizing Galicia” (José Colmeiro)8) “Queer Traces in the Soundtrack of la Movida” (Jorge Pérez)9) “Party to the People: Heroin and the Spanish ‘Lost’ Generation” (Francisco Fernández de Alba)III. Taking Back the City: Politics of Space and Place in Spain10) “Urbanism, Architecture, and la Movida madrileña” (Susan Larson)11) “Sketching the Future Furiously: La Movida, Graphic Design and the Urban Process in Madrid” (Malcom Compitello) 12) “Liberty Street, the Liberty of the Street: La Movida and Political Transition” (Juan Pablo Wert Ortega)13) “FromCarajillo to Madriz: The comics of la Movida” (Pedro Pérez del Solar)IV. Still in the Present: Ghosts of la Movida14) “From Counter-Culture to National Heritage: ‘La Movida’ in the Museum and the Institutionalization of Irreverence” (William Nichols)15) “Memory and Archive: la Movida, Alaska and Processes of Cultural Archeology” (Silvia Bermúdez)16) “Ghostly Subjectivities: Photography, Spectral Identities, and the Temporality of la Movida” (Jonathan Snyder)17) “The Metamorphosis of Memory and la Movida in Recent Documentary Films” (Marcela T. Garcés)NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORSINDEX