University Press Copublishing Division / Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
Pages: 196
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-1-61147-628-6 • Hardback • September 2013 • $105.00 • (£81.00)
978-1-61147-629-3 • eBook • September 2013 • $99.50 • (£77.00)
Stephen Luis Vilaseca is assistant professor of Spanish at Northern Illinois University and associate editor of the Journal of Urban Cultural Studies.
Introduction: Okupas and the Entanglement of Word and Body in Barcelona
The Wall Poem
1. Meet the Barcelonan Okupas (1997-2011)
Defining Okupas
The Originality of Okupas
Okupas and Indignados: A Strategy of Alliance
2. Okupación: Just Crime or Justifiable Protest?
Divisions within the Tripartite
3. Representations of Okupas by Non-okupas
Part I: Okupas, Catalanism, and Culture-Producing Factories in
El cor de la ciutat
Part II: Live, Laugh, Love: Squatting as Romantic Comedy and
Problem-Free Philosophy in El Kaserón
Part III: Between the Capitalist Monster and Monstrous Creativity:
Literature about Okupas
4.Representations of Okupas by Okupas
Part I: Nocturnal Politics in the Spanish film El taxista ful
Part II: Jump Out the Window with Vicente Escolar Bautista in
Libro de un 8/1 tumbado en el espejo (ocho cuartos de gasto…partido por uno)
Conclusion:Sharing Ideas: Okupas and the U.S.
About the Author
Vilaseca’s study accomplishes its overall goal of introducing readers to the Barcelonan Okupas, their socio-political context, their history, and the many ways that they are seen and presented by themselves and others. The book’s index is clear and thorough, and the bibliography includes URLs to help readers locate the Internet sources Vilaseca incorporates and analyzes. This text will be a useful resource for undergraduates as well as graduate students and professors of Spanish, cultural, and media studies.
— Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies