University Press Copublishing Division / Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
Pages: 444
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-1-61147-079-6 • Paperback • April 1985 • $56.99 • (£44.00)
Bat Yeor, born in Cairo, became a stateless refugee in 1957 and a British citizen in 1959. Her first book, The Jews of Egypt (French/1971; Hebrew 1974) was followed by Le Dhimmi(1980), widely acclaimed when the English edition appeared in 1985 (Hebrew/1986Z; Russian/1991). It remains an essential introduction to her second major work, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude (1996; German/2002). The French edition (1991) established the authors reputation as an innovative thinker in a new field of research, which has now been greatly enhanced by her third study, Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilization Collide (2002). All of her books are regularly reprinted.