University Press Copublishing Division / Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
Pages: 352
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-61147-034-5 • Hardback • May 2011 • $133.00 • (£102.00)
978-1-61147-035-2 • eBook • May 2011 • $126.00 • (£97.00)
Judith E. Martin is associate professor of German at Missouri State University.
1 Introduction
2 Part I: Staël as Icon of Female Celebrity and Political Engagement
3 Chapter 1: Staël in German Discourse on Literature, Gender, and National Character
4 Chapter 2: Early Fictional Responses: Politics, National Identity, and Gender in the Novels of Karoline Paulus and F.H. Unger
5 Part II: Staël's Corinne and the Female Artisit Novel
6 Chapter 3: Corinne and the Female Artisit Novel: Caroline Auguste Fischer's Romantic Defiance
7 Chapter 4: Caroline Pichler's and Johanna Schopenhaur's Restoration Conformity: Corinne as an Underground Artist
8 Chapter 5: Radical Revisions by Ida Hahn-Hahn and Luise Mühlbach: Art, Love, and Emancipation in the Vormarz
9 Conclusion
10 Bibliography