University Press Copublishing Division / Lehigh University Press
Pages: 188
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-1-61146-154-1 • Hardback • March 2015 • $101.00 • (£78.00)
978-1-61146-155-8 • eBook • March 2015 • $96.00 • (£74.00)
Lucas Murrey received his PhD in German studies and philosophy from Yale University.
1.IntroductionRise of Mass Culture and the Visualised ChronotopeEmergence of Unlimited LanguagePrevious TreatmentsSummaryPart IDionysian Philosophy2. Evil Eye“the poisonous eye of ressentiment”- “machinist and decorative artist”
3. Apollo and Dionysus“tragic myth”“secret celebrations of dramatic mysteries”- “the public cult of tragedy”
4. Dionysian Philosophy“the Hellenic model”- “Incipit tragoedia”
5. Fifty Mirrors Around You“they jingle with their gold”- “Loathsome verbal-swill”
- “fifty mirrors around you”
“to hear with the eyes”6. The Meaning of Earth“a big eye”- “teeth-gnashing and most lonely melancholy”
“twinkling stars and glow worms”“the meaning of earth”Part IIProto-National Socialism7. Despair of the German Spirit“a permanent, loving bond between German and Greek culture”“confused our gaze searches”8. Patriotic excitation and aesthetic opulence“in the terror and sublimities of the recently out-broken war”“monstrous intrusive powers from the outside”“Destruction of Greek culture through the Jewish world”“And if the German should look about hesitantly for a Führer…”9. Blond German Beasts “false, flickering light”“happy monsters”“Not only onward, but also upward should you plant”10. Purification of the Race“the wisdom of Him who is not only the God of the Jews”“the Aryan conquering race”“Zarathustra … in the Aryan province”11. Jews/Christians: “The Chosen People Among Peoples”“Jewish history”;=“vengeful-addict instincts of an unhappy priest”“If Christianity remains, the Germans will be to blame”Conclusion12. Herakleitean Hyper-abstractions“doubtful even about Herakleitos”“eternal contradiction, Father of all things”“the primal problem of tragedy”“in the ten years of his loneliness”CodaThe Bordello in LeipzigBibliographyIndex
Lucas Murrey has produced a visionary adaptation of the Nietzschean Dionysiac to illuminate the dysfunctionality of twenty-first century capitalism.
— Richard Seaford, University of Exeter, author of Money and the Early Greek Mind and Dionysus
As a new contemporary interpreter of Nietzsche, Lucas Murrey offers a critical analysis of the catastrophes that this German philosopher prophesised. In particular, Murrey's historical placement of Nietzsche that, on the one hand, looks explicitly backward to the poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin and, on the other hand, implicitly forward to the poetry of Stefan George, opens new doors of thought.
— Bernhard Böschenstein, Université de Genève, author of “Frucht des Gewitters:” Zu Hölderlins Dionysos als Gott der Revolution and Paul Celan:Der Meridian
A congenial and rigorous new landmark study regarding Nietzsche’s understanding of Dionysus in Greek tragedy during his Basel year. Well versed in classical scholarship and challenging in its original insights into ancient and modern visual culture.
— Anton Bierl, University of Basel; author of Dionysos und die griechische Tragödie
Once again, fascinating material. It is exciting to see the meaning of Orwell’s unpublished preface 'The Freedom of the Press' enter into the orbit of German philosophy.
— Noam Chomsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media and Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel’s War against the Palestinians