Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 500
Trim: 8½ x 11
978-1-61048-430-5 • Paperback • December 2014 • $137.00 • (£105.00)
978-1-61048-431-2 • eBook • December 2014 • $130.00 • (£100.00)
Dr. Paula E. Lester brings to this handbook more than 40 years of experience as a classroom teacher, educational administrator, department chairperson, college professor, and director of the doctoral program in interdisciplinary educational studies at Long Island University (a program that she helped to start). She received a Ph.D. in organizational and administrative studies from New York University, and has been on the faculty of Long Island University since 1985 and a senior professor since 2010. Her Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (1985) received the outstanding dissertation award from the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Dr. Deborah Inman received her doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University. Since that time, Dr. Inman has had academic and/or administrative experience at several universities, including New York University, Teachers College, Columbia University, the University of North Florida, and Walden University.She has taught graduate courses in education including research methods, ethnography, case study design, proposal design seminar, dissertation seminar, and education policy. She is currently the Director of Research and Residencies, Walden University.
Dr. Lloyd K. Bishop has been a professor of educational administration for more than 35 years as well as department chair, and program director at New York University and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and received his Ph.D. in education and organizational behavior from Claremont Graduate School. He was involved in starting a new doctoral program in education at Dowling College, New York. His many publications include seven books and numerous articles published in the Review of Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, Administrative Science Quarterly, and other periodicals.
Part I Quantitative Research and Measurement, Qualitative Research Methods
Chapter 1: Basic Quantitative Research and Statistical Procedures
Chapter 2: Multiple Regression Analysis (MR)
Chapter 3: Inferential Research Methods
Chapter 4: Measurement in Quantitative Research
Chapter 5: Examples of Measurement Procedures
Item Analysis
Factor Analysis
Chapter 6: Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
Part II Instrument Section
Introduction to Instrument Section
Instruments Included and Reviewed
CommunicationConflictCultureDecision-MakingDogmatismEthicsHonesty/TrustInterpersonal RelationsJob CommitmentJob InvolvementJob SatisfactionLeadershipLocus of ControlMentoringMoraleMotivation/MoneyNeedsOrganizational Assessment/EffectivenessOrganizational StructureParental Involvement PoliticsPowerPrincipal EvaluationProfessional PerformanceRoleSchool BoardsSelf-ActualizationSelf-ConceptSelf-EfficacySelf-EsteemSex Roles (Gender Identification)Stress/BurnoutSupervisory/Managerial BehaviorTeacher Attitudes/BeliefsTeacher EvaluationTotal Quality Management
Instruments Available through Commercial Organizations
Author Index
Instrument Index
About the Authors