R&L Education
Pages: 210
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-61048-318-6 • Hardback • August 2011 • $99.00 • (£76.00)
978-1-61048-319-3 • Paperback • July 2011 • $52.00 • (£40.00)
978-1-61048-320-9 • eBook • July 2011 • $49.00 • (£38.00)
Randy Quinn and Linda J. Dawson co-founded the Aspen Group International in 1993 following careers that combine to total over 65 years of service to governing boards of education entities and other non-profit organizations. They since have consulted with boards in most of the 50 states and others on three continents, including the countries of Morocco, Singapore, Korea, Borneo, Canada and Mexico. Their long careers of work with governing boards of all types, with dominant focus on Policy Governance and Coherent Governance, have provided the basis for this insightful and common-sense library of strategies for effective implementation of these governing models.
Chapter 1: A Word About Governing Models
Chapter 2: Rolling Out Your Model
Chapter 3: Monitoring Governance Culture and Board-CEO Relations Policies
Chapter 4: Monitoring Operational Expectations Policies
Chapter 5: Monitoring Results Policies
Chapter 6: Evaluating the CEO in this New Governing Environment
Chapter 7: Stakeholder Dialog
Chapter 8: Building an Effective Board Work Plan
Chapter 9: Building a New Board Meeting Agenda
Chapter 10: Change: It's a Leadership Conundrum
Chapter 11: Now What?
Chapter 12 Appendix A: Operational Expectation Monitoring Reports
Chapter 13 Appendix B: Results Monitoring Reports
Chapter 14 Appendix C: Dialogue
Chapter 15 Appendix D: Agendas
Having a governance system in place is as necessary to a school board as the Constitution was to our founding fathers; it is the framework upon which everything rests. This book will be an invaluable tool to any board looking to improve its governance structure and the performance of its organization.
— Brad Center, vice-chair, Fairfax County Public School Board
At last, a book about board governance that is clear, practical, and free of jargon. This is a must read book for board members and CEOs working to implement either Coherent Governance® or Policy Governance®.
— Joan Isenberg, former director of field services, Illinois Association of School Boards
Linda Dawson and Randy Quinn deliver clear, direct descriptions of successful practice that boards and administrators need to effectively implement Coherent Governance® or Policy Governance®. Having implemented the models in two school districts, I know that at times boards and administrators struggle to translate sound theory into every-day implementation. In order to govern with excellence, all boards must commit to the 'pick and shovel' work of ongoing monitoring. These pages share the deep wisdom borne of the authors' long practice in support of boards. Practical, time-tested advice, coupled with real examples of the mechanics of monitoring all four types of policies, will help committed boards govern effectively.
— David Flowers, superintendent, North Dakota
As a legal advisor to family owned businesses, I am convinced that families embracing Coherent Governance® for their family businesses would establish a platform to ensure their success for generations to come. This book provides valuable tools to adapt Coherent Governance® to the family business world. Boards That Matter is a no-nonsense, 'wheels on the pavement' road map to the elimination of indecision, development of clarity, and accomplishment of desired outcomes.
— Jim Keeling, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, Illinois
As a result of the implementation of Coherent Governance®, our school district is now much more aligned and effective. The board, superintendent, central office staff, and school leaders all are focused on supporting classroom instruction and raising student achievement. Board meetings and work sessions are run more efficiently and are also focused on policy-level issues and results. Our district has embraced the increased focus on and accountability for results, which has already helped us raise student academic proficiency. Now that we are in our second year of Coherent Governance®, I cannot imagine any other governance system being better for our district or community.
— Mike Miles, Harrison School District 20, Colorado
Coherent Governance® has improved transparency, accountability and clearly established 'rules of the road.' I would never go back to our former way of board work.
— Susan Kutz, vice president, Racine Unified School District Board of Education, Wisconsin
Nikkei Concerns and the community we serve have reached a critical juncture in our evolution. The work processes recommended in this book have created a structure and process for the board and staff to work optimally, with clarity that allows us to achieve our defined 'results'!
— Jeffrey Hattori, CEO, Nikkei Concerns