R&L Education
Pages: 328
Trim: 6 x 9¼
978-1-60709-557-6 • Paperback • January 2010 • $83.00 • (£64.00)
978-1-60709-558-3 • eBook • January 2010 • $78.50 • (£60.00)
Anthony D. Fredericks has written more than seventy-five teacher resource books in a variety of areas and is also the author of more than three dozen highly acclaimed children's books. With more than thirty-five years of experience as a professional educator, Fredericks is currently a professor of education at York College, PA, where he teaches elementary methods courses in reading, language arts, science, social studies, and children's literature.
Chapter 1 An Inside Look
Chapter 2 How Students Learn (Ed. Psych. In a Nutshell)
Chapter 3 The Effective Teacher - You!
Chapter 4 The First Day (Starting with Success)
Chapter 5 Lesson Plans: The Nitty Gritty of Teaching
Chapter 6 Resources: So Much to Choose From
Chapter 7 Teaching with Technology
Chapter 8 Time - Just Another Four-Letter Word!
Chapter 9 Testing, Testing: Assessment and Evaluation
Chapter 10 Successful Presentation Skills
Chapter 11 The Questions are the Answer!
Chapter 12 Cooperative Learning: Effective Group Work
Chapter 13 Think About It: Using Thinking Skills in the Classroom
Chapter 14 Motivation: The Little Engine That Could
Chapter 15 Creating the Learning Environment
16 Positive Discipline; Positive Behavior
17 Homework - Yes? No?
18 Teaching Special Needs Students
19 Special Projects; Special Events
20 Teddy Bears and Harry Potter (Elementary Education)
21 Hormones and Nose Rings (Secondary Education)
22 The Community of School
23 Reach Out and Touch Someone: Working with Parents
24 Taking Care of You (Stress Management 101)
25 Building Your Career
26 Appendix A - Wow! Look at All These Great Web Sites!
27 Appendix B - Resources
Fredericks has written a pragmatic survival guide for all aspects of pedagogy. Assessments, discipline, parent relationships, standards, and so much more are covered in this must-have book for every educator. This is a resource to reference again and again.
— Stephanie Crumbling, classroom teacher for ten years
The Teacher's Handbook skillfully demonstrates both the art and science of the teacher's craft. Drawing on the wisdom of numerous teachers from all levels of the profession, Fredericks has created a teacher's guidebook that addresses every concern a successful teacher needs to master. For both the beginning teacher as well as experienced educators, this volume holds the potential to positively impact all phases of the educational process. This is a must-read!
— Michael McGough, professor of education
With over thirty years of teaching success, Fredericks shares his expertise through a comprehensive and enlightening guide for teachers. Proven and practical management techniques and effective and engaging teaching strategies proliferate throughout the book. As a student about to enter my vocation as a teacher, this book will be by my side every step of the way.
— Sandy Loeffelholz, pre-service teacher
This book addresses dozens of common topics that all beginning teachers encounter. Fredericks shares his own classroom experiences along with those of other veteran teachers to help you be successful. Topics range from the physical aspects of classroom setup to creating and managing cooperative learning groups to enhancing your own teaching career. It's all here in this complete and thorough book.
— Vicky Lynott, classroom teacher for twenty-seven years