R&L Education / American Association of School Administrators (AASA)
Pages: 160
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-60709-031-1 • Hardback • June 2010 • $116.00 • (£89.00)
978-1-60709-032-8 • Paperback • June 2010 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
978-1-60709-033-5 • eBook • June 2010 • $47.50 • (£37.00)
Kay T. Worner is an associate professor of educational administration and leadership at St. Cloud State University. She has spent thirty-four years in education, twenty-three in administration, and nine as superintendent. She was named 2004 Superintendent of the Year.
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 Leading with Integrity
Chapter 3 Keeping the Focus
Chapter 4 Developing an Effective School Board
Chapter 5 Building an Administrative Team
Chapter 6 Enhancing School-Community Relations
Chapter 7 Monitoring Efficient Operations
Chapter 8 Thinking Strategically
Chapter 9 Facilitating Meaningful Change
Chapter 10 Advocating for Students
Chapter 11 Seeking, Retaining, and Transitioning Positions
As executive director of Minnesota Association of School Administrators, I look for resources that will help aspiring or new superintendents be successful as possible in their first superintendent position. Kay T. Worner's book, Success in the Superintendency, is exactly the resource all executive directors should recommend. It is practical, timely, and full of great ideas for administrators.
— Charles Kyte, executive director for Minnesota Association of School Administrators
Without doubt, Success in the Superintendency, is a book that superintendent licensing programs need to have for their students. It is a quick read, providing information and advice on topics important to administrators looking for their first superintendency.
— Kenneth Underwood, retired professor in the Educational Administration Department at Virginia Tech; Horace Mann's Educator of the Year (2009)
As a first-year superintendent, I can't say enough about the quality and immediate applicability of the advice the book provided. When experienced, award-winning superintendents from all over the country share their words of wisdom, I listen!
— Rick Lahn, first-year superintendent in Princeton, Minnesota
This book is unique because it highlights the advice and experiences of dozens of successful superintendents. A must-read for all new and aspiring school leaders.
— Kenneth Dragseth, National Superintendent of the Year for 2003; retired superintendent of Edina, Minnesota, School District
Former State Superintendent of the Year in Minnesota, Worner (educational administration and leadership, St. Cloud State U.) provides advice drawn from other Superintendents of the Year who have been honored at the state and national levels to help graduate students and new superintendents face common challenges and issues. She identifies techniques such as leading with integrity, developing an effective school board, enhancing school-community relations, thinking strategically, facilitating meaningful change, advocating for students, and seeking, retaining, and transitioning positions, with tips and examples at the end of each chapter.
— Book News, Inc.