Government Institutes
Pages: 442
Trim: 6¾ x 9¾
978-1-60590-745-1 • Hardback • April 2011 • $88.00 • (£68.00)
978-1-60590-746-8 • eBook • March 2011 • $83.50 • (£64.00)
Thomas A. Cellucci is an accomplished entrepreneur and senior executive. He is the first Chief Commercialization Officer in an executive agency (US Department of Homeland Security). In 2010, while continuing to serve as Chief Commercialization Officer, Cellucci was appointed the Director of the Office of Public-Private Partnerships which oversees the Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) procurement process, Office of SAFETY Act Implementation (OSAI), Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Office, and the Commercialization Office.