Government Institutes
Pages: 176
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-60590-674-4 • Hardback • July 2010 • $109.00 • (£84.00)
978-1-60590-688-1 • Paperback • June 2010 • $66.00 • (£51.00)
978-1-60590-675-1 • eBook • May 2010 • $62.50 • (£48.00)
Richard Stiennon is the founder of IT-Harvest, an independent IT security analyst firm, and the author of the security blog He is a holder of Gartner's Thought Leadership award and was named 'One of the 50 most powerful people in Networking' by Network World Magazine.
Chapter 1 Titan Rain and Shawn Carpenter
Chapter 2 The Red Wars
Chapter 3 Countering Cyber Espionage
Chapter 4 Toppling Email Servers
Chapter 5 The Pentagon
Chapter 6 Geopolitical Cyber Hotspots
Chapter 7 DDoS Defense
Chapter 8 Crowd Sourcing Cyber Attacks
Chapter 9 Oh Estonia
Chapter 10 Cyberwar Cuts a Swath through Eastern Europe
Chapter 11 Georgia: The First Cyberwar
Chapter 12 Conflict Causes Change
Chapter 13 Four Pillars of Cyberwar
Chapter 14 Cyber Preparedness
Chapter 15 Repercussions
Richard Stiennon's Surviving Cyberwar is not only a valuable primer on the alarmingly advanced state of the art of cyber conflict but a much-needed guide for companies, governments, and others on how to think about protecting themselves.
— Joseph Menn, author of Fatal System Error: The Hunt for the New Crime Lords Who Are Bringing Down the Internet.
-examines the cyber threats and where they come from,
-explains how defensive technologies can be used to counter cyber attacks and to secure American infrastructure,
-considers the major recent cyber attacks that have taken place around the world,
-discusses the implications of such attacks, and
-offers solutions to the vulnerabilities that made these attacks possible.