Government Institutes
Pages: 224
Trim: 7½ x 10½
978-1-60590-646-1 • Hardback • September 2009 • $118.00 • (£91.00)
978-1-60590-668-3 • Paperback • September 2009 • $62.00 • (£48.00)
978-1-60590-647-8 • eBook • September 2009 • $58.50 • (£45.00)
Don Philpott has published over five thousand articles in newspapers and magazines in the U. S. and U. K., and written more than ninety books on a wide range of subjects, including The Wounded Warrior Handbook (GI, 2008). Don Grimme is the President of GHR Training Solutions, a nationwide 'workplace people solutions' consulting firm, and coauthor of the groundbreaking book on managing people in today's workplace, The New Manager's Tool Kit (2008). His articles are among the most frequently quoted resources on the subject.
News reports of violence in the workplace are all too common, but many of us continue to believe that "it can't happen here" or "it can't be prevented." The Workplace Violence Prevention Handbook dispels those notions by reminding us that violence isn't always a tragic event performed by a disgruntled former employee....The Handbook's authors are experts on workplace violence...They provide a lengthy bibliography and list of resources for employers to explore beyond the book. OVerall, this book is probably most useful for employers that do not have safety programs in place. However, it also would be useful for supervisors in any organization, because it extensively describes warning signs of workplace violence that are often overlooked.
— The Colorado Lawyer