Taylor Trade Publishing
Pages: 256
Trim: 5¾ x 9
978-1-58979-107-7 • Paperback • April 2004 • $14.95 • (£11.99)
978-1-58979-512-9 • eBook • September 2000 • $9.99 • (£7.99)
A fascinating, irresistible, behind-the-scenes look at historical events that you only 'thought' you knew about. Thomas Ayres knows just where to look for those rare nuggets that capture the imagination, and he relates them all in such an appealing way.
— Darwin Payne, Professor Emeritus at Southern Methodist University and author of Big D: Triumphs and Troubles of An American Supercity in th
That's Not in My American History Book...gives the reader fascinating stories on the history of America that is not taught in our schools, and that knocks down the many prevailing myths concerning events in our American saga. This book was a joy to read and should be viewed as the 'real' story of our nation's saga, without the blemishes and politically correctness that we have for so long been used to. Go get it.
— Back Channels Magazine
Riveting true tales of our less-celebrated national past. Comprehensive and witty.
— Virginian-Pilot
There is just no way to get bored by what he reports. Had my history text in school been this interesting, I may have majored in history.
— The Republican
...[T]he kind of refreshing research found in this illuminating treasury of American history [is] most likely not found in the text books you read in school.
— Post-Tribune
Perhaps so few people ... seem to know or care about American history because their teachers bored them into catatonia from grade school on ... if they would only read this little gem of a book ... [they] would find a whole new area of human knowledge in which to immerse themselves.
— Advance
This compilation of little-known events and heroes gathers all the juicy stories edited out of history textbooks.
— Bookwatch
Investigative reporter Thomas Ayresis sets history straight.
— Publishers Weekly
Ayers' conjectures and sidelights ... put life into what is very often a boring subject for school-aged children.
— The Denver Post
Here, finally, is a history book that can be enjoyed by everyone. It approaches history for what it really is-stories of people doing interesting, courageous, and crazy things. Tom Ayres turns history into something that is fun as well as important.
— Jim Lehrer
Comprehensive. Witty.
— Virginian - Pilot