Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Sheed & Ward
Pages: 128
Trim: 5⅜ x 8¼
978-1-58051-117-9 • Paperback • June 2003 • $24.00 • (£17.99)
Pat McHenry Sullivan, president of Visionary resources in Oakland, CA, helps individuals and groups to work with more integrity, purpose, and joy. An expert in the spirituality and work movement, she has published over fifty articles on practical, everyday spirituality and twenty-six "Vision and Values" columns for the San Francisco Chronicle and its predecessor, The Examiner and Chronicle. She is a board member for the Association of Spirit and Work and contributing editor for Earthlight magazine
Chapter 1 Discovering New Possibilities for Meaning and Joy at Work
Chapter 2 Seeing Your Work as a Spiritual Journey
Chapter 3 Creating and Using a Workplace Altar
Chapter 4 Turning Stress and Burnout into Energy and Insight
Chapter 5 Finding Wisdom for Work from Many Traditions
Chapter 6 Tapping Your Own Wisdom throughout the Workday
Chapter 7 Working with Integrity as Your Bottom Line
Chapter 8 Creating Spiritual Community at and for Your Work
Chapter 9 Envisioning and Re-Visioning Your Work and Your Profession
Chapter 10 Resources for Meaningful and Satisfying Work
Are you suffering from the workplace blues? If so, Pat McHenry Sullivan may have a solution for you.
— Tammy L. Carter; Orlando Sentinel
A guide to reinvigorating your work life, brining faith and integrity into the workplace, and creating balance in your life.
— St. Anthony Messenger
Pat Sullivan asks you to engage in a deep inquiry that can lead to profound possibilities. She provides many tools that enable you to connect to your work, whatever it is, with your spiritual life. If you're unhappy at work, read this book!
— Stewart Levine, author of The Book of Agreement and Getting to Resolution
Work with Meaning, Work with Joy is a refreshing guide and wonderfully rich overview of the spiritual renaissance taking place in workplaces around the world today. Pat Sullivan is to be congratulated on a marvelous achievement.
— John Renesch, business futurist, author of Getting to the Better Future, and editor of New Traditions in Business
Find yourself a quiet place at home or work, and read a little bit of this book every day. Take notes and underline the ideas that touch you. Then have courage and start to infuse your life and work with greater spirit and meaning each day, with Pat Sullivan as your guide. She's an expert with heart and wisdom. You can't ask for a better guide than that!
— Judith A. Neal, Ph.D., Executive Director, Association for Spirit at Work