R&L Education
Pages: 105
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-57886-987-9 • Paperback • February 2009 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-57886-988-6 • eBook • February 2009 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
Suzanne G. Houff has worked on both an elementary and middle-school level as a classroom teacher and as a library media specialist. After completing her doctorate from Old Dominion University, she moved into higher education and now instructs pre-services teachers as they work toward initial licensure and a master's degree in education.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Part 2 Getting Started
Chapter 3 What You Believe
Chapter 4 Learning to Change Behavior
Part 5 Meeting Student Needs
Chapter 6 Survival
Chapter 7 Belonging
Chapter 8 Fun
Chapter 9 Freedom
Chapter 10 Power
Chapter 11 Meeting Special Needs
Part 12 Into Action
Chapter 13 Conclusion
Chapter 14 Situations to Analyze
Houff presents ideas clearly and interestingly. But even more, she provides the readers with a rationale for why students do what they do. She has described the human needs as seen from the perspective of choice theory and integrated them into practical strategies and techniques. Using the need system to motivate students frees the teacher of responsibility to reward and punish. The process puts the responsibility on the students—where it belongs. And yet teachers does not lose authority. Rather, they gain respect and enhance their leadership skills. When they implement the ideas contained in this book they will have techniques for managing the classroom and for preventing discipline problems. This book should be read by both new and experienced teachers.
— Robert E. Wubbolding, director of the Center for Reality Therapy in Cincinnati, and director of training for The William Glasser Institute