R&L Education
Pages: 304
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-57886-971-8 • Hardback • March 2009 • $77.00 • (£59.00)
978-1-57886-973-2 • eBook • April 2009 • $73.00 • (£56.00)
Kimberly Williams is a professor of education at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York. Marcel Lebrun is a professor of special education at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire.
Chapter 1 Foreword
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Keeping Kids Safe in School and School-Related Spaces
Chapter 4 Playground Safety
Chapter 5 Classroom Spaces: Teacher Victimization of Students, Fires, and Bomb Threats
Chapter 6 Getting to and from School: Safety on Buses and While Walking
Chapter 7 Athletics: Injury, Hazing, and Bullying on Sports Teams
Chapter 8 Promoting Safe and Healthy Developing Brains for Learning and Positive Behavior
Chapter 9 Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Chapter 10 Keeping Kids Safe in Cyberspace
Chapter 11 Cyber-Bullying: Meanness Goes Online!
Chapter 12 Cyberspace: Online Dangers and Predators
Chapter 13 Keeping Kids Safe in All Spaces
Chapter 14 Intrapersonal Violence: Suicide
Chapter 15 Intrapersonal Violence: Self-Mutilation
Chapter 16 Interpersonal Violence: Choking
Chapter 17 Interpersonal Violence: Bullying
Chapter 18 Accidents: Cars, Bicycles, Fire and Water Safety
Chapter 19 Abuse: Psychological, Sexual, and Physical
Chapter 20 Environmental Threats: Lead Poisoning and Other Environmental and Household Toxins
Chapter 21 Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Reducing Childhood Obesity and Inactivity and Improving Childhood Nutrition
Chapter 22 Alcohol and Other Drugs: Experimentation and Problem Use
Chapter 23 Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Chapter 24 Striking a Healthy Balance between Safety and Overprotection
Focusing on children's safety is crucial today. Families are being bombarded from all sides, and they need a book like this to provide a comprehensive resource to confront these challenges. If each parent or child who is exposed to this book learns just one thing, the impact will reverberate throughout the school and the community....
— Michael A. Morgan
This comprehensive book combines keen scholarship with practical considerations for child safety. The ecology of risk is carefully examined and suggestions on how to keep children from harm are grounded in that analysis. It is written with an educator's mind and a mother's (or father's) heart....
— Kenneth Corvo
This book helps us as parents and educators understand and support children as they grow, learn, and develop in today's ever-changing world.....
— Dennise Maslakowski
Today there are so many issues, questions, and challenges related to the safety and lives of children and youth: suicide, cyber bullying, schoolyard violence, ADHD, drugs and alcohol, abuse, and many more serious topics. Williams and Lebrun have written acomprehensive book that addresses these concerns and provides logical, yet sensitive, suggestions for readers. Websites, background information, and actual accounts are included to guide the reader in understanding and dealing with the various situationsrelevant to contemporary life of children presented in this worthwhile book. Parents, teachers, child care workers and all those who advocate for the protection of our kids will find the contents relevant, timely, and useful. This one's a keeper...
— Carolyn Crippen