R&L Education
Pages: 128
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¾
978-1-57886-786-8 • Hardback • February 2008 • $109.00 • (£84.00)
978-1-57886-787-5 • Paperback • February 2008 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
Floyd Boschee is an Emeritus Professor, Division of Educational Administration, School of Education, University of South Dakota, where he conducted research in educational leadership. During his educational career he served as a teacher, coach, athletics director, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, chair of departments of education, and professor in educational administration. Dr. Mark Baron is professor and chair, Division of Educational Administration, School of Education, The University of South Dakota, where he teaches graduate courses in educational administration, educational research, and curriculum. He also serves as a member of the advisory board for the North Central Association and has been a teacher and principal in schools within the United States and American sponsored overseas schools in Latin America. Dr. Marlene Jacobson is an assistant professor in the Division of Educational Administration, The University of South Dakota, where she teaches graduate courses in educational administration and higher education. She has been an instructor in thee Department of English and Acting Dean of Continuing Education at the University of South Dakota.
Chapter 1 Initiating Performance-based Education
Chapter 2 Initiating the Strategic Planning Process
Chapter 3 Developing the Strategic Plan
Chapter 4 Developing a Program Philosophy and Rationale Statement
Chapter 5 Developing a Scope and Sequence, Program Goals, Objectives, Learning Outcomes, and Authentic Tasks
Chapter 6 Delivering Performance-based Education
Chapter 7 Assessing Performance-based Education
Chapter 8 Considering Alternative Approaches for Restructuring the School Organization
I am excited about this practical guide for helping educators move to a commitment of success for every learner. This performance-based text provides a flexible process for accomplishing this educational goal that is clearly supported by NCATE and the school leadership spa group's standards from the Educational Leadership Constituent Council. This is a must read!
— Carelton R. Holt, assistant department head of curriculum and instruction in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas
This text is a timely reminder of what is really important for America's schools. It provides educators and policy makers a sound and historically-based outline for developing a curriculum that prepares students for work and community participation in the 21st century.
— Patti L. Chance, associate professor & program coordinator, PK-12 Education Leadership, Department of Educational Leadership, University
Baron, Boschee, and Jacobson fully understand that providing educational opportunities for all students is hard work and does not happen easily. Their approach to strategic planning for excellence is practical and right on target. Performance Based Education must get into the hands of every practicing and aspiring principal in the country.
— Theodore Creighton, professor, Virginia Tech and former executive director of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPE
Baron, Boschee, and Jacobson have created a scholarly performance-based process that will inspire the reader to restructure schools to enable every youth to succeed in higher education, and in his/her life's work. This is the performance-based education model we have needed to far exceed the accountability standards of each state, NCLB, and realize the dreams of our children and youth for a happy and quality life."
— John R. Hoyle, senior professor of educational administration and future studies, Texas A & M University
Performance-Based Education has the potential of improving learning for all students, and expectedly, it is receiving a great deal of attention in a social environment where school reform and educator accountability have become focal issues. All administrators and teachers will benefit from this book because it explains performance-based education, provides practical applications anchored in theoretical knowledge, and integrates the concept with school restructuring.
— Theodore J. Kowalski, Kuntz Family chair in educational administration, University of Dayton
Performance -Based Education focuses on important keys to success for students, teachers, and schools. The book provides a straightforward vision for learning and it emphasizes the necessity for thoughtful, strategic planning; a great book for strategic thinkers who understand the importance of planning, teaching, and learning. The book provides a short history of performance-based education and it re-introduces educators to the concept of measurement of learning outcomes through demonstrated performances. As I read the material I was reminded that educators have been drawn away from authentic tasks and measurements by recent federal legislation. Performance-Based Education brings us back to reality. It helps educators ask legitimate questions about learning and expectations of student performance; (1) How can schools help teachers and students navigate the process of schooling? (2) In what ways might educators create powerful learning outcomes and measure them authentically? (3) How can education be re-purposed to increase the learning capacity of students?One of the concepts that became clear to me while reading the material was the idea of connectedness - the linkage among content, teaching methodology, and learning outcomes.The manuscript was well organized, easy to read, and thoughtfully prepared.
— Larry L. Dlugosh, professor and chair, Department of Educational Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
This book is a road map for improving schools/systems based on organizational and student growth. I've worked for 30 ears on the philosophy of student personalized/ individualized instructional models focusing on results. This book gets at the heart of that effort. It has potential to refocus a school's/system's work on students. It rightly implies that all students can learn, improve, and grow with personalized attention.
— Kenneth F. Gose, president, Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation, Tempe, AZ
Transforms theory into practice. Concisely describes the step-by-step process for administrators, teachers, and board members to reinvent the education system for the 21st Century student. An excellent all-in-one guide for extraordinary leaders to pave the way.
— Pamela J. Homan, superintendent, Sioux Falls School District 49-5, Sioux Falls, SD
The authors clearly articulate the framework for developing an effective communication system that will ensure both transparency and trust. They explain in considerable detail how to develop the strategic planning process beginning with a beliefs analysis and identification of learning outcomes for specific subjects and concluding with authentic classroom assessment.
— Dr. Valerie A. Storey; School Administrator, October 2009
The authors clearly articulate the framework for developing an effective communication system that will ensure both transparency and trust. They explain in considerable detail how to develop the strategic planning process beginning with a beliefs analysis and identification of learning outcomes for specific and concluding with authentic classroom assessment.
— School Administrator, October 2009