R&L Education
Pages: 232
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-57886-743-1 • Paperback • April 2008 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
Gail L. Thompson is a professor in the School of Educational Studies, Claremont Graduate University (CA).
Part 1 African American Parents/Guardians Discuss Their Children and Themselves
Chapter 2 How Their Children Felt about School
Chapter 3 Academic Problems
Chapter 4 Literacy Issues
Chapter 5 How African American Parents Assisted their Children Academically
Chapter 6 Discipline, Suspension, Expulsion
Part 7 African American Parents/Guardians Discuss the Education System
Chapter 8 Beliefs and Teachers
Chapter 9 Course Work and Homework
Chapter 10 Beliefs about Administrators
Chapter 11 Improving the Public School System
Part 12 African American Parents/Guardians Discuss Other Issues
Chapter 13 Racism
Chapter 14 School Safety
Chapter 15 Peer Pressure and the Lure of the Street Life
Chapter 16 College
Chapter 17 Conclusion
This volume arrives at a timely point in educational research. Recent studies suggest black parents must become more involved in their children's education, and Thompson's research responds to these numerous calls for parental involvement. The avenue Thompson takes, however, is a "common-sense" approach. She asks African American parents what educational outcomes they desire for their children. The purpose of the study is to provide relevant information to educators and policy makers on (1) improving teacher quality in schools; (2) suggesting ways parents can be more active in educational settings....Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above.
— Choice, January 2004
Recommended as a "working tool" for public school administrators.
— Multicultural Review, Summer 2004