R&L Education
Pages: 168
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-57886-712-7 • Paperback • August 2008 • $40.00 • (£30.00)
Kris Sloan is Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Saint Edwards's University in Austin, Texas.
Chapter 1 Glendale Elementary School: A Familiar Scene
Chapter 2 NCLB: The New Law of the Land
Chapter 3 Controversies and Criticisms Generated by the NCLB Act
Chapter 4 Accountability and Teachers: A Case Study at One Elementary School
Chapter 5 The Impact of Educational Accountability on Teachers and Students: What Does the Research Say?
Chapter 6 Teachers Respond to Current Accountability Policies
Chapter 7 Accountability and Communities: A Case Study of Twin Oaks
Chapter 8 Parents and Students Respond to Current Accountability Policies
Chapter 9 Helping Parents and Communities Reimagine Accountability, with Yuan-hsuan Lee, Margaret Mohr, and K. J. Lowry
In nine chapters, Sloan explains and examines the accountability mandate found in the No Child Left Behind act, as well as its implications for students, families and communities, and teachers. Case studies at a handful of schools trace the events, beginning in the 1960s, that contributed to the 21st century's emphasis on accountability, and portray the legislation's impact on real teachers. Controversies and criticisms generated by the Act are also discussed. In the conclusion, three guest authors in education and curriculum studies offer suggestions about improving accountability measures in ways that are more responsive to those they most directly affect.
— Reference and Research Book News
In accessible language, Sloan defines the basic beliefs behind present-day accountability measures and some of the issues associated with those practices. He explores "the relationship between accountability and the standards movements, and the role of standardized testing in each of these movements," and offers an analysis of the literature regarding the effects of this hot-button issue on public education. Timely and informative.
— Curriculum Connections