R&L Education
Pages: 104
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-57886-655-7 • Paperback • August 2007 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
Carmen M. Latterell is associate professor of mathematics at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. She has taught mathematics at all levels since 1988. She is a frequent contributor to research journals on the subject of mathematics education, the author of Math Wars: A Guide for Parents and Teachers (Praeger, 2005), and the principal investigator on a large National Science Foundation grant to improve mathematics education.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Basic Skills without a Calculator
Chapter 3 Graphing without a Graphing Calculator
Chapter 4 A College Mathematics Placement Test
Chapter 5 Elaborate Solutions to the Test
Chapter 6 A Second College Placement Test with Solutions
Chapter 7 Final Advice
Chapter 8 Appendix 1: Study Skills for College Mathematics
Chapter 9 Appendix 2: A Note to Teachers about State Standards
This is an invaluable resource to both students and teachers. It is nice for students to go to a resource and find numerous examples of a topic in a condensed and easy-to-read format. Teachers use it for reinforcement and further example problems.
— Tom Johnson, Mandan High School, Mandan, ND
To save time and money, students often use test-preparation materials to prepare for exams such as the ACT and the SAT. However, taking an unneeded class costs a much greater amount of both time and money. Unfortunately, the only preparation materials that I had to offer students desiring to test into a higher mathematics course were a vague study guide with ten sample questions and a shelf full of textbooks to sift through. Finally, I can refer students to a relevant, reliable, and comprehensible guide.
— Heather Kahler, developmental mathematics instructor, University of Wisconsin--Superior
This is a fantastic tool for every parent or teacher who wants to maximize a student's demonstration of mathematics skills on a college placement exam. This guide assists students in utilizing and demonstrating their mathematical skills independent of electronic tools.
— Beth Esselstrom, director, student supportive services, University of Minnesota, Duluth
I am a mathematics teacher with more than 20 years of teaching experience. Over and over students come to me and ask me for materials to use to study for mathematics placement tests. I have none to give them, nor do I have any reference for the students. This book is the answer!
— Sue A. Smith, mathematics teacher, Barnum High School, Barnum, MN
·An appendix explaining how to study college mathematics
·Material to help teachers meet state mathematics standards