R&L Education
Pages: 128
Trim: 6¾ x 9
978-1-57886-248-1 • Paperback • June 2005 • $57.00 • (£44.00)
Mary Ann Smialek is the president of Quest Solutions Consulting and an experienced educator specializing in diagnostic/prescriptive teaching techniques. She is also a leading speaker and author on home-school partnerships.
An interesting and beneficial read! Mary Ann Smialek's book, Get On the Bus! Tools for School, outlines a common-sense, step-by-step approach to helping your kids in school—without becoming, on one hand, overbearing or, on the other hand, doing their work for them, two of the most prevalent problems parents have when it comes to their children and school. From the first chapters on how to give your youngsters support and creating guidelines for both parents and students, to the middle chapters that provide the basic building blocks to academic learning, and finally to the later chapters that introduce parents to possible problem areas they need to be aware of, Get On the Bus! is a straight forward guide on how to successfully steer their kids through their formative years.
— Susann Krouse, educational applications specialist
In these times of national accountability through No Child Left Behind requirements, Get On the Bus! will provide busy parents with the much needed guidance helping their children succeed…..the suggestions and directions provided by Dr. Mary Ann Smialek are right on target for all parents in all types of families and communities!
— Eduardo R. Rivas, Ed. D., administrative director, Office of Strategic Planning
Written in the words spoken as a mother and educator, Dr. Mary Ann Smialek captures the very essence of our thoughts and feelings for our children. Get On the Bus! Tools for School accelerates the journey that highlights the challenges and successes that parents and children face as they begin the trip on the path of learning. This book puts parents behind the wheel and in the driver's seat to assure that their children have a well-rounded education as they travel the bends, curves, and bumps on the roads that lead to school success and achievement throughout future years.
— Donna M. Vlassich, project director of Public Engagement
More than ever, parents and students face a high stakes academic journey as many schools eliminate recess and begin standardized testing in the primary grades to meet the demands of the federal No Child Left Behind law. In an era that emphasizes high standards for learning, parents need to know what to expect of their children at important stages of social, emotional, and intellectual development. Get On the Bus! Tools for School shares with parents exactly what is important and why. It is the perfect follow-up to Don't Miss the Bus! Steering Your Child to Success in School. Dr. Mary Ann Smialek has done it again! She has given today's busy parents a user-friendly guide to ensure their children's school success. This book is an important tool—providing strategies, tips, techniques in each chapter—to help parents assist their children with what they need to know and do at each developmental level throughout the elementary school years.
— Howie Schaffer, media director, Public Education Network