Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Amadeus
Pages: 653
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-57467-164-3 • Paperback • December 2007 • $27.00 • (£19.99)
978-1-57467-403-3 • eBook • December 2007 • $25.50 • (£19.99)
Leonard Bernstein's collective creative output spans the range of musical genres to include works for orchestra, theater, ballet, film, solo voice, chamber music, and piano. Mr. Bernstein remains the youngest person ever to have served as music director of the New York Philharmonic. From 1958 to 1969 he led more concerts with the orchestra than any previous conductor. He subsequently held the lifetime title of laureate conductor.
Among the Tony, Grammy, and Emmy award winner's best-known compositions are the musicals West Side Story, On the Town, and the operetta Candide.