Jason Aronson, Inc.
Pages: 464
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-1-56821-885-4 • Paperback • February 1996 • $56.99 • (£44.00)
978-1-4616-3124-8 • eBook • February 1996 • $53.99 • (£42.00)
A pioneer in Jewish liturgy and music education, Macy Nulman was director of the Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University and an adjunct assistant professor of music at Brooklyn College. He taught the music and liturgy of the synagogue service at the Department of Adult Education of Brooklyn College and was on the faculty of the American Theater Wing, which instituted a training program in Jewish music and liturgy for returning World War II veterans. A co-founder of the Cantorial Council of America, he has edited its Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy since 1978. The author of numerous articles on Jewish liturgy and Jewish music education, he has written several books, including The Concise Encyclopedia of Jewish Music, Concepts of Jewish Music and Prayer, Wedding Service, Sabbath Chants, and Maariv Chants.
This well-researched volume represents an important contribution to the study of Sephardic liturgy. At a glance one can learn about the Sephardic prayers and their minhagim and compare them to the Ashkenazic prayers. The reader will acquire a deeper understanding of the tefillot, while at the same time enriching his devotional life.
— The Haham, Dr. Solomon Gaon, The World Sephardi Federation
A debt of gratitude is owed to Macy Nulman for his invaluable contribution to the study of the Jewish prayer book. His Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer is an exhaustive source of enlightening and enriching knowledge. The style is lucid, the information is fascinating, and the insights are inspiring. I unequivocably recommend the volume for the probing scholar and inquisitive layperson.
— Dr. Morris S. Gorelik, Rabbi, Young Israel of North Bellmore
Readers will find Macy Nulman's Encyclopedia of Jewish Prayer a most welcome addition to their libraries. It is, to my mind, the richest and most easily accessible storehouse of Jewish prayers in both the Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions, and it yields its treasures in a manner both graceful and edifying. Both the layman and the scholar will find it a most valuable reference work—and will enjoy, as well, simply browsing through the comprehensive items in this work.
— Dr. Norman Lamm, Yeshiva University