Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books
Pages: 210
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-56699-788-1 • Hardback • September 2016 • $62.00 • (£48.00)
978-1-56699-789-8 • Paperback • September 2016 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-56699-790-4 • eBook • September 2016 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
Thomas G. Kirkpatrick is an educator, trainer, writer, pastor, and consultant with specialties in interpersonal communication, small group ministries, and conflict management. He is the author of Small Groups in the Church: A Handbook for Creating Community. He has served as pastor at several churches and professor at University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and Whitworth University. He has also been a campus minister and program director of camps and conferences.
Chapter 1. Building Relationships
Chapter 2. Leading Meetings
Chapter 3. Experiencing Trust
Chapter 4. Practicing Forgiveness
Chapter 5. Using Power
Appendix A. Paraphrasing Exercise
Appendix B. Listening Awareness and Skills Inventory
Appendix C. Strength Bombardment Exercise
In a time of loud, dissonant rhetoric, Thomas Kirkpatrick offers guidelines for calm, reflective listening and sane conversation. He envisions the church as the place where people “speak the truth in love” and “carefront” for the sake of clarity and honesty, even more, for building genuine relationships. He knows that the church is where you dialogue, not to win points, but to love thy neighbor.
— Peter L. Steinke
Thomas Kirkpatrick’s book could not be more timely. The book is targeted for communication in the church but is relevant in many other settings. I was immediately engaged because the descriptions of poor communication were so accurate and the prescriptions for healthy communication were so helpful. The chapters immediately invite readers in and are profound and practical. It is a book that should be required reading in nearly every congregation.
— Rev. Duncan Ferguson, Presbyterian Church minister, educator, and author
Addresses common quandaries and scenarios, from communication breakdowns to running meetings
Offers achievable guidelines for creating healthy relationships in our congregations, homes, and workplaces
Acknowledges diverse experiences and cultures
Considers interpersonal communication, group communication, digital communication, and more
Includes reflection questions, skill-building activities, and suggestions for further learning
Makes the latest academic research accessible and applicable in congregational and personal settings