Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books
Pages: 170
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-1-56699-764-5 • Hardback • October 2014 • $60.00 • (£46.00)
978-1-56699-726-3 • Paperback • October 2014 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-56699-727-0 • eBook • October 2014 • $28.50 • (£19.99)
Andrew Kort is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). He is currently the senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, Indiana.
Mihee Kim-Kort is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She has also written Making Paper Cranes: Toward an Asian American Feminist Theology. Currently, she leads a college ministry in Bloomington, Indiana.
Two ministers married to each other may make some say, “Yikes!” but dynamic clerical duo, Andy and Mihee, reveal the gift of being yoked to each other and God. This book challenges implicitly the common notion that a clergy couple is a crisis in the making. Rather, they show that it is a courageous undertaking that will only thrive by God’s grace. In antiphonal narrative form, we learn about this grace through honest and transparent stories about the highs and lows that make up life, love, and ministry. Some say ‘the devil is in the details.’ These two show that God is at work in the details, too! This is a necessary read for anyone who yearns for the truth about marriage, family, and ministry.
— Rev. Luke A. Powery, dean of the chapel, Duke University
Sharing from the heart, Andy and Mihee honestly and openly reflect in Yoked, on what it means to engage in ministry, raise a family, and live life together. Their deeply personal stories and reflections invite us to contemplate on God and God’s call for our lives. This book is informative, delightful, and instructive as their stories nurture our spirits and nourish our hearts to provide joy, meaning, and hope.
— Rev. Grace Ji-Sun Kim, Georgetown University; author, "Colonialism, Han, and the Transformative Spirit"
It is hard work being a clergy couple. Of course, as Andrew Kort and Mihee Kim-Kort show, it is also hard work being called to be a disciple and being called to be married. The near total dearth of resources on how to be a clergy couple has been aptly filled. We recommend this book whole-heartedly.
— Jason Byassee, former Butler Chair in Homiletics and Biblical Hermeneutics at the Vancouver School of Theology
Frederick Buchner said, “Listen to your life,” and Andrew Kort and Mihee Kim-Kort have done just that. The fruit of their listening is a wise book on the joys and challenges of being a clergy couple. As a member of a clergy couple myself, I learned from their stories, and I look forward to recommending Yoked to others starting out on this wonderful shared journey.
— L. Roger Owens, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
More than a survival guide, Yoked is a joyful, honest look at the highs and lows of life together as a ministry couple. It is a helpful manual for Christians seeking to deepen the bonds of their marriage while committing their lives to the inviting and demanding work of ministry.
Yoked immediately becomes the best resource we have for couples seeking to practice faithful ministry together. It is mandatory reading for anyone serious about being a disciple in both ministry and marriage.
— Adam Hollowell Ph.D
This book is a wonderful resource for couples who either are already in ministry or who are contemplating having a joint ministry. It's also good reading for any pastor in ministry since many of the stories which Andrew and Mihee include are apropos to ministry in general. . . .What is nice about this book is that for each chapter both Andrew and Mihee made their own contributions rather than one person writing one chapter and then alternating them. Thus we get their combined insights into the various parts of parish ministry.
— Walking with God
Distinguishing Features:
• Stories from both clergy on topics like vocational calling, pastoral identity, unique passions in ministry, preaching voice, negotiating care for the children, and leading in a situation together
• A short conclusion and questions for discussion appear at the end of each chapter
• Includes a list of resources