Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books
Pages: 264
Trim: 7 x 10
978-1-56699-428-6 • Paperback • April 2013 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-56699-608-2 • eBook • April 2013 • $32.00 • (£25.00)
Lori J. Carrell is professor of communication and director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. Dr. Carrell's vision is to educate, inspire, and equip others to maximize the transformative power of the spoken word. Her research explores the impact of communication education for those who preach and teach. Host of the television show "Ask God!," Dr. Carrell has been awarded an Endowment for Excellence Professorship.
Chapter 1: Affirming That Preaching Matters
Chapter 2: Embracing a Sermon Communication Perspective
Chapter 3: Transforming, Not Informing
Chapter 4: Exegeting, Then Organizing
Chapter 5: Going Deeper, Not Wider
Chapter 6: Delivering, Not Decorating
Chapter 7: Loving Your Language
Chapter 8: Listening to Your Listeners
Chapter 9: Planning for Continued Transformation
Dr. Carrell astutely reminds preachers that our assemblies expect an encounter with God. A spiritually transformative encounter, which God has called us to create by our words, is something this book can help us achieve with its wisdom and exercises.
— Jeff Nicolas, The Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, KY
It is one thing to challenge preachers to prepare and deliver sermons that not only inform but transform; it is another thing altogether to offer them a way to reach that goal. Lori Carrell invites preachers to engage in reflective practices and constructive activities to break bad preaching habits and develop an approach to preaching based on solid sermon communication research.
— Lucy Lind Hogan, Wesley Theological Seminary
This book equips preachers to reflect critically on their current process of sermon preparation and to reenvision it from the inside out.
— Alyce M. McKenzie, Perkins School of Theology
If preachers will devote themselves to reading, praying, and listening their way through this book, it will push the public preaching of the gospel in the direction it so desperately needs to go.
— Dwight A. Moody, president, Academy of Preachers
Lori Carrell is tenacious in her determination to help preachers get better at preaching the most important message on the planet. I unreservedly recommend Preaching that Matters to anyone who takes serious wanting to get better in their preaching.
— Bill Lenz, pastor, Christ the Rock Community Church