Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books
Pages: 104
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-56699-223-7 • Paperback • April 2000 • $23.00 • (£17.99)
978-1-56699-487-3 • eBook • April 2000 • $21.50 • (£16.99)
A. Richard (Rick) Bullock is rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Gresham, Oregon. In addition to his extensive work on pastoral sabbaticals, he consults, speaks, and writes about congregational development, educational design, pastoral searches, and mutual ministry review. Richard J. (Dick) Bruesehoff serves as the director for leadership support of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Chicago, Illinois. Following pastorates in two Wisconsin congregations and work with the Wisconsin Council of Churches, he spent nine years as a synodical bishop's assistant. He has worked with numerous congregations and their staffs in the process of sabbatical planning.