Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books
Pages: 182
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-1-56699-025-7 • Paperback • June 1988 • $30.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-56699-600-6 • eBook • June 1988 • $28.00 • (£19.99)
Roy M. Oswald is a senior consultant with the Alban Institute. A popular teacher and author, his other Alban titles include Beginning Ministry Together, Clergy Self-Care, The Inviting Church, Discerning Your Congregation's Future, Transforming Rituals, and numerous other resources. Otto Kroeger is a partner in Otto Kroeger Associates, a consulting firm that uses MBTI exclusively. During his more than thirty years of work in the behavioral sciences and organizational development, he has consulted for such organizations as Xerox, IBM, and the Defense Department.