Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 80
Trim: 6 x 9
978-1-56663-801-2 • Hardback • September 2008 • $22.50 • (£16.99) - Currently out of stock. Copies will arrive soon.
Daniel Brown's poems have appeared in Poetry, Partisan Review, Parnassus: Poetry in Review, The New Criterion, and other journals. Winner of a Pushcart Prize, he has been widely anthologized in volumes such as Poetry 180, edited by Billy Collins, and Fathers, edited by David Ray. He holds a master's degree in musicology from Cornell University and has taught at Cornell and Dartmouth College. His Why Bach?, an appreciation of Bach's music, is available on the Internet. He lives in Baldwin, New York.
Daniel Brown's poems are splendid demonstrations of the power to be obtained from drawing the reins really tight. Yet…Brown hasn't squeezed out the breath and feeling.
— X. J. Kennedy
Brown's laconic and supremely intelligent lyrics pulse with precision and wit. His work is a rare and bracing pleasure to read.
— Rachel Hadas
By putting rhetorical pressure on simple words for maximum effect, Brown manages to say things that sound not like poems but like things said in real conversations that actually matter. Except he says them in well-crafted sonnets.
— John Foy; Contemporary Poetry Review
Brown's book is an excellent display of the marriage between new formalism and contemporary American poetry in that while the poet's language is deceptively simple, it's organized in a diction that renders a relentless contemplation of a wide range of issues and philosophies.
— Rick Marlatt, Rick Marlatt; Midwest Book Review