Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 384
Trim: 6¾ x 9½
978-1-56663-687-2 • Hardback • June 2006 • $39.95 • (£30.00)
978-1-56663-793-0 • Paperback • July 2008 • $27.95 • (£19.99)
Geoffrey Blainey, one of Australia's most prominent historians, held a chair at Harvard University in the early 1980s and taught for many years at the University of Melbourne. He has also written
A Short History of the World. He is the recipient of Australia's highest honor, Companion in the Order of Australia. He lives near Melbourne.
Another outstanding work by Australia's most eminent historian.... It is a great book.
— John Hayman; Henry Thornton
Blainey's style is...the kind that George Orwell said was his ideal: 'transparent as a windowpane.'
— John Derbyshire; Claremont Review of Books
Blainey has lived through wars and seen their fruits–invention as well as destruction. [His book] holds good and evil in balance.
— Morag Fraser; The Age
Blainey's ability to weave diverse elements together [makes] A Short History of the 20th Century so inviting.
— California Bookwatch
This newest tome is a good read. Baliney writes for the general-interest reader, curious about our world. But amateur history buffs won't be disappointed.
— Dawn House; Salt Lake Tribune
Packing 100 years of world events and personalities into one book is a monumental task. Geoffrey Blainey does it.
— Oklahoman
A breakneck tour of a very busy century.
— Globe and Mail
Writing with great sophistication and grace, Blainey weaves together the momentous events of the 20th century.
— The Christian Century
Blaine covers this all in 27 succinct chapters...To present an engaging, illuminating, terse history of the 20th century as Blainey has done is a considerable accomplishment. Highly recommended.
— R. C. Cottrell; Choice Reviews
With great sophistication and grace, Blainey weaves together the momentous events of the 20th century.
— The Christian Century
His descriptive narratives are effective in helping readers to visualize certain periods of the century.
— Journal of World History
Authoritative, entertaining, and compact—the work of a master historian