Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 96
Trim: 6 x 8¾
978-1-56663-541-7 • Hardback • September 2003 • $18.95 • (£14.99)
Charles Tomlinson was born in Stoke-on-Trent, England, read English at Queen's College, Cambridge, and is the author of numerous volumes of poetry, literary essays, and admired translations, and editor of the important and acclaimed Oxford Book of Verse in English Translation. Mr. Tomlinson has received the Bennett Award from the Hudson Review for his achievement in poetry. He has also had shows in the United Kingdom of his paintings and drawings. He lives in England.
His poems are among the best in the English language this century.
— Hugh Kenner
Tomlinson's perfected style has been little imitated, but I predict it will come to be seen as one of the major achievements of late twentieth-century English verse.
— Times Literary Supplement
Tomlinson's poetry gives a refreshing rustle or seething to the words which bespeak the entrance of a new life.
— William Carlos Williams
A patient looker at landscape.
— Willard Spiegelman
A master of the craft, his poems have the finality of form which you find only among the first-rate.
— Donald Hall
He is fascinated—with his eyes open: a lucid fascination—at the universal busyness, the continuous generation and degeneration of things.
— Octavio Paz
Tomlinson, 76, is a painter as well as a poet, and his artist's eye serves him well in his poetry.... This book in fact records a well-planned poetic itinerary.
— Frank Wilson; The Philadelphia Inquirer
Reading Charles Tomlinson makes one acutely aware that there's a whole world outside—and inside too—just waiting to be noticed, and that the more we notice, the more we are enriched.
— Chicago Tribune
A standout.
— New York Sun
Mr. Tomlinson is an eloquent poet of place...whose work combines visual exactitude with an uncommon gracefulness of expression.
— The Economist
The third annual New Criterion Poetry Prize