Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 512
Trim: 6¾ x 9½
978-1-56663-393-2 • Hardback • August 2001 • $35.00 • (£30.00) - Currently out of stock. Copies will arrive soon.
In addition to his biography of Dwight Macdonald, Michael Wreszin has written the lives of two other American intellectual journalists—Oswald Garrison Villard and Albert Jay Nock. Mr. Wreszin is professor emeritus of history at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
Wreszin is to be commended for bringing these letters together.
— John B. Judis, Senior Editor, New Republic
It may be that we get only one Dwight Macdonald a century...He is a bracing writer and, not incidentally, the Leonardo of the well-drawn distinction.
— Erik Wensberg, Editor, Modern American Usage
Bracing and very interesting...wonderful stuff.
— Adrienne Miller; Esquire
I find these letters to be remarkable...entertaining, quirky, irritating, delightful, and illuminating.
— Norman Mailer
The keenness of Macdonald's wit is everywhere apparent in these marvelous letters.
— The Review of Higher Education
— Dwight Gardner; The New York Times
Sharp of eye, sharp of mind, sharp of pen—a brilliant and engaging collection of letters