Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 607
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-1-56663-323-9 • Hardback • November 2000 • $35.00 • (£30.00)
Aldous Huxley (1894–1963) was one of the most important novelists of the twentieth century. Robert S. Baker is professor of literature at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and author of The Dark Historic Page and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. James Sexton teaches English at Camosun College in British Columbia.
Perusing Volume One, I was struck by the sensitivity and the unerring perception in these unknown reviews, ultimately my most enjoyable reading of the year.
— Robert Kraft, conductor and writer on music; Times Literary Supplement, (Books Of The Year, Dec.)
The editors...have done their job with commendable thoroughness.
— P. N. Furbank; Times Literary Supplement
An important and admirable publishing event.
— Atlantic Monthly
Huxley was among the few writers who played with ideas so freely, so gaily, with such virtuosity, that the responsive reader was dazzled and excited.
— Isaiah Berlin
A remarkable publishing event...these volumes return Huxley from our forgetfulness so as to enjoy his fine intelligence, prose and exemplary strengths.
— Jeffrey Hart; The Washington Times
His reading was immense, his taste was impeccable, and his ear acute...His place in English literature is unique and is certainly assured.
— T. S. Eliot
There is much to enjoy in these volumes...they are important as a document of his times.
— Economist
He writes with an easy assurance and a command of classical and modern cross-references.
— Christopher Hitchens; Los Angeles Times
To read all the essays in sequence is like being enrolled at the college of your dreams.
— The New Yorker
The first two volumes in a major collection