Ivan R. Dee
Pages: 347
Trim: 5¼ x 8
978-1-56663-300-0 • Paperback • February 2000 • $16.95 • (£12.99)
Edward Jay Epstein has also written Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer; The Assassination Chronicles; Agency of Fear; and Inquest: The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth. He lives in New York City.
The book is burnished with insights, cogency, elegance, and sophistication.
— Stephen J. Whitfield; Brandeis University
A complex, fascinating book...Epstein shows that no educated citizen should rely exclusively on the news, but also that none should fail to watch it.
— Edmund Fuller; The Wall Street Journal
The best book ever written about any aspect of television.
— Richard Schickel
The classic study of television news, now back in print