Cowley Publications
Pages: 112
Trim: 5¾ x 8½
978-1-56101-215-2 • Paperback • April 2003 • $12.95 • (£9.99)
978-1-4617-3299-0 • eBook • April 2003 • $11.99 • (£8.99)
CHARLES HOFFACKER is an Episcopal priest, writer, and teacher who has served in parish and campus ministries in Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan. His sermons appear regularly in the internet publication Sermon Writer.
On the one hand, this is simply a helpful book for clergy to read. Further, however, it is a good book to own for those frequent times when a funeral sermon must be crafted on short notice and a sound ‘how to' model would be valuable.
— William Hethcock; Covenant