Cowley Publications
Pages: 148
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-1-56101-143-8 • Paperback • January 1997 • $17.95 • (£13.99)
978-1-56101-332-6 • eBook • January 1997 • $16.99 • (£12.99)
James E. Griffiss is editor of the Anglican Theological Review and the series editor of the New Church's Teaching Series. An Episcopal priest and theologian, he has taught systematic theology and several Anglican seminaries in North America, including Hashota House, the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, and Seabury-Western.
Chapter 1 From England to Portage
Chapter 2 The Beginnings of Anglicanism
Chapter 3 The Renewal of Anglicanism
Chapter 4 Mission and the Anglican Communion
Chapter 5 Anglican Believing
Chapter 6 Anglican Worship
Chapter 7 Identity and Diversity
Chapter 8 The Church as Sacrament
Throughout, the author has recounted his own journey in faith, and here he speaks as a late 20th century man as much as a scholar. As one whose own journey parallels his, I found the account readable and persuasive. More to the point, it makes Anglican life and worship accessible to those who have come newly to our household.
— the Rt. Rev. Arthur E. Walmsley
Griffiss does a fine job of portraying the wisdom inherent in treasuring the old, discerning the merely customary, and embracing the virtues of the new.
— Sewanee Theological Review
Anglican theology, as Griffiss describes it, draws strongly on tradition, yet it is open to change and its ultimate purpose is liberation through Christ for individuals and communities. The Anglicanism he advocates is mature enough to forego brash certainties, and to be open to ambiguity, doubt, and questioning.
— Virginia Seminary Journal