Cowley Publications
Pages: 123
Trim: 7⅛ x 9
978-1-56101-132-2 • Paperback • January 1997 • $15.95 • (£11.99)
978-1-4616-6073-6 • eBook • January 1997 • $14.99 • (£11.99)
After eight years of collective effort, the SSJE produced a comprehensive document, solidly scripturally-based, that sets out a bold definition of their current lifestyle. Their Rule is both profound and forthright. . . . Part of the impressive nature of this Rule is the care with which it is crafted and presented. Each sentence carries weight, as the end product of much careful labor and thinking. . . . [The] remarkable concluding section . . . offers six pages of guidance for Christians outside the monastic tradition who may wish to use the Rule in their own personal reflection on the Christian life. . . . (and) gives many recommendations for study and prayer, suggesting specific chapters that may be helpful in discerning one's own gifts and ministry.
— News From Celebration