Chapter 1: Social Science in Social Contexts
The Systematic Measurement of Social Reality
A Typology of Sources of Knowledge
Thomas Kuhn’s Theory of Paradigm Change
Social Constructions of Reality
Contemporary Efforts Toward Theory Integration: The Transactional-Ecological Model
Chapter 2: Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory
Consciousness, The Unconscious, and Defense
The Structural Model of Personality
Theory of Psychosexual Development
Applications to a Theory of Psychopathology
The Question of the Death Instinct
Later Modifications of Theories of Anxiety and Trauma
Chapter 3: Psychoanalytic Revisionists
The Will Psychology of Otto Rank
The Individual Psychology of Alfred Alder
The Emergence of a More Explicit Ego Psychology: Heinz Hartmann
Object Relations Theories
Chapter 4: Eriksonian Theory
The Epigenetic Stage Model of Psychosocial Development
Chapter 5: Behaviorism: A Physiology of Learning
Foundation and Early Years: Watson’s Behavioral Manifesto
The Purposive Behaviorism of Edward Tolman
The Radical Behaviorism of B.F. Skinner
Social Group Behavior from the Behaviorist Perspective
Chapter 6: Piagetian Theory
Early Years and Influences
Sensorimotor Challenges and Achievements
The Transition from the Sensorimotor Toward the Representational
Preoperatory Period
Concrete Operations, a Transition in Logico-Mathematical Capacities
Formal Thought
Chapter 7: Social Psychological Theories
The Socio-Physiological Theories of George H. Mead
The Field Theory of Kurt Lewin
The Structural-Functional Theory of Social Organization of Talcott Parsons
The Dramaturgical Theory of Social Behavior of Erving Goffman
Chapter Discussion
Chapter 8: Humanistic Psychology
The Original Insights of Kurt Goldstein
The Emergence of the Third Force
Empirical Critique of the Developmental Significance of Self-Actualization
Chapter 9: Social Cognition
Perceptions of Others, Stereotypes, and Prejudices
Theory of Mind and Reflective Function
The Cognition of Emotion
Consciousness and Unconsciousness
Memory and Social Cognitive Functions
Conceptual Models of Cognition and Personality
The Nature of Motivations, Beginning with the Motive to Belong
Moral Development
A Brief Sampling of the Neurobiology of Various Cognitive Processes
Chapter 10: Social Ecological Theory
Bronfenbrenner’s Early Life and Foundations of the Theory
Biological Systems Level
Chronosystem Influences
Chapter 11: Ethological Theories
The Pioneering Research of Konrad Lorenz
Attachment Theory
Affective Neuroscience
Social Dominance
Chapter Discussion
Chapter 12: Review and Reflections
The Question of Motivation
The Unique Significance of Original Vulnerability
Belonging and Tension
The Representational Realm of Experience and the Significance of Field Theory
Emotion as Basic Motivation and Driver of Maturation
The Integration of Field Theory and Affective Neuroscience
The Complementarity of Personal and Social Identities
The Liabilities of Intelligence and the Assertion of Social Power
Self-Representations and the Control of Space and Power
The Question of Will Revisited
About the Author