7/8/24, Parenting Teens & Tweens: Elizabeth Hamblet is interviewed for this article about attending college with an IEP.
Link: https://parentingteensandtweens.com/attending-college-with-an-iep/
3/28/23, Diverse Thinking Different Learning podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet is interviewed about the book.
Link: https://childnexuspodcast.com/ep-126-why-self-awareness-and-self-determination-are-important-for-college-success-with-elizabeth-hamblet/
3/16/23, Neurodiversity podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet discusses how parents can prepare their neurodivergent kids for college.
Link: https://neurodiversitypodcast.com/home/2023/3/16/episode-163-preparing-for-a-more-independent-college-experience
- Information is gleaned from interviews with experienced disability services directors, admissions directors, and consultants specializing in working with students with disabilities on their college search and preparation.
- The information is presented in a deliberate sequence, so that each step builds on information presented in prior ones.
- Citations from the law allow readers to understand how the law shapes the changes in the disability services system at college.
- The book addresses myths about the college environment that are commonly shared and misinform families and professionals working with students.
- Offers practical suggestions for parents and for professionals to help them prepare students with disabilities for a smooth transition to college.
4/5/23, College Parent Central podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet joined Lynn Abrahams and Vicki Nelson to share highlights of the new edition of the book.
Link: https://www.collegeparentcentral.com/2023/04/085-a-pathway-to-success-for-students-with-disabilities-and-everyone-else-too-an-interview-with-elizabeth-hamblet/
3/28/23, Diverse Thinking Different Learning podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet is interviewed about the book.
Link: https://childnexuspodcast.com/ep-126-why-self-awareness-and-self-determination-are-important-for-college-success-with-elizabeth-hamblet/
3/16/23, Neurodiversity podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet discusses how parents can prepare their neurodivergent kids for college.
Link: https://neurodiversitypodcast.com/home/2023/3/16/episode-163-preparing-for-a-more-independent-college-experience
Spring issue, The Journal of College Admission: Elizabeth Hamblet wrote an article highlighting tips to share with students with disabilities who are interested in college.
Link: https://www.nacacnet.org/resources/newsroom/journal-of-college-admission/?fbclid=IwAR3FhEijL8saujF59Ds2Pk1SN2zAPrmNtVu1MunKiDPq8iwrAEcMWbnsVQU
5/30/23, The Self-Driven Child podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet discusses the challenges and pitfalls students with disabilities may face when transitioning from high school to college.
Link: https://selfdrivenchild.buzzsprout.com/2098735/12933584-seven-steps-to-college-success-a-pathway-for-students-with-disabilities
6/7/23, College Parent Central podcast: This book is featured in a collection of summer reading suggestions for parents.
Link: https://www.collegeparentcentral.com/2023/06/089-summer-reading-suggestions-for-college-parents/
7/4/23, Learn Smarter podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet discusses the book with hosts Rachel Kapp and Stephanie Pitts.
Link: https://learnsmarterpodcast.com/267-college-learning-disability-specialist-elizabeth-hamblet-and-7-steps-to-college-success-author-series/
7/17/23, School Psyched podcast: Elizabeth Hamblet joined Rebecca Comizio to discuss the book.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix7mv_Y_0Z8
7/28/23, Dr. Gwen Empowered: Elizabeth Hamblet discussed key themes from the book.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEPeeeVoOOg
October issue, Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) Journal: An excerpt from the book is featured.
Link: https://chadd.org/attention-article/the-students-responsibilities-at-college/
11/14/23, U.S. News & World Report: Elizabeth Hamblet is quoted and the book is mentioned in this article about navigating college admissions with a learning disability.
Link: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/how-to-navigate-college-admissions-with-a-learning-disability
October issue, International Dyslexia Association: Elizabeth Hamblet wrote an article about the keys to successful college transition for the association’s newsletter.
Link: https://dyslexialibrary.org/ida-newsletter/october-2023/
11/14/23, The Truth about College Admission podcast: Brennan Barnard and Rick Clark interview Elizabeth Hamblet.
Link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2053515/13960988-the-truth-about-learning-disabilities-and-applying-to-college-elizabeth-hamblet