The Beginning Translator’s Basic Terminology
Linguistics and Metalinguistics
Chapter 1: Translation Units
Chapter 2: Words in Context
Chapter 3: Deceptive Cognates
Chapter 4: Translation Techniques
Chapter 5: Borrowings
Chapter 6: Calques
Chapter 7: Literal Translation and Structural Obstacles to Literal translation
Chapter 8: Transposition
Chapter 9: Modulation
Chapter 10: Equivalence
Chapter 11: Adaptation
Chapter 12: Applying Translators’ Techniques to Literary Texts
Chapter 13: Translating Titles
Chapter 14: Guidelines for the Translation of Literary Prose
Chapter 15: Guidelines for the Translation of Dialogues and Plays
Chapter 16: Guidelines for the Translation of Poetry
Chapter 17: Guidelines for the Translation of Non-Literary Texts
Chapter 18: Guidelines for the Translation of Ads
Appendix The Translator’s Tools