Longevity is an extraordinary social achievement that, alas, creates profound challenges for everyone fortunate enough to experience it. In this wise, lucid, beautiful book, Howard Englander charts the journey from adulthood to old age, pointing out the perils but also highlighting the possibilities for living well. Every page of Embracing Elderhood is a gift.
— Eric Klinenberg, Helen Gould Shepard Professor in the Social Sciences, NYU
With a story teller’s art, using engaging accessible prose, Howard Englander guides us through the remarkable challenges and possibilities of the last stages of life, from the startling realization that you are kind of old to taking your final breath. Packed with usable insights founded in sound psychological and spiritual principles and practice, Englander gives us his gift, a book that shows us, step by step, how to reach the unexpected gifts of elderhood.
— Prudence Gourguechon, MD, Past President, American Psychoanalytic Association
Are you prepared to enjoy your elder years and live life to the fullest? The book Embracing Elderhood: The Three Stages of Healthy, Happy, and Meaningful Senior Years is the only resource you need.
Howard Englander, the writer of this insightful book, offers practical suggestions and inspiring stories on how to live your best life as you grow older. With motivational stories, this book addresses the mind, body, and soul to help you age gracefully and according to your own terms.
— Julie Han, Volunteer Coordinator at CJE SeniorLife