Chapter 1. How Voters Choose Candidates in Presidential Primaries
by John Sides, Chris Tausanovitch, Michael Tesler, and Lynn Vavreck
Chapter 2. Nevada mattered and other stories of party influence and contingency from the 2020 cycle
by Jonathan Bernstein
Chapter 3. Weak parties, strong partisanship
by Julia R. Azari
Chapter 4. Polling in Presidential Primaries: What We’ve Seen, and What We Can Expect
by Natalie Jackson
Chapter 5. Iowa Dethroned: Diversifying the 2024 Democratic Nomination Calendar
by Caitlin Jewitt
Chapter 6. The South Carolina Presidential Primary: The New Colossus in the Presidential Nomination Process
by William G. Mayer
Chapter 7. How Gender Shapes Presidential Primary Campaigns and Elections
by Meredith Conroy and Ciera Hammond
Chapter 8. Where are the Candidates Visiting? Exploring Electioneering in the Nominating Contests
by Jay Wendland