Carl Mitcham
Glen Miller, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, and Qin Zhu
Chapter 1: Editors' Introduction
Glen Miller, Helena Mateus Jerónimo, and Qin Zhu
Part I: Philosophy and Technology
Ch 2: The Enigma of Technology
Andrew Feenberg
Chapter 3: Organization as Technique: A Blind Spot in the Philosophy of Technology
Daniel Cérézuelle, translation by Christian Roy
Chapter 4: Technology as Process
Mark Coeckelbergh
Chapter 5: Political Philosophy of Technology: After Leo Strauss
Carl Mitcham
Chapter 6: The Nuclear Menace and the Prophecy of Doom
Jean-Pierre Dupuy
Chapter 7: The End of Technology and the Renewal of Reality
Albert Borgmann
Part II: Philosophy and Engineering
Chapter 8: An Engineer Considers Technological (Non)Neutrality: “But Where Are the Values?
Byron Newberry
Chapter 9: How Engineers Can Care from a Distance: Promoting Moral Sensitivity in Engineering Ethics Education
Janna van Grunsven, Lavinia Marin, Taylor Stone, Sabine Roeser & Neelke Doorn
Chapter 10: Parallel Steps toward Philosophy of Engineering in China and West
Nan WANG and LI Bocong
Chapter 11: The Development of the Philosophy of Engineering in China: Engaging the Scholarship of Carl Mitcham
Tong LI and Yongmou LIU
Part III: Religion, Science, and Technology
Chapter 12: Christianity, Power, and Technological Domination: A Typological Approach to the Church
José Antonio Ullate
Chapter 13: Technology in Cosmic Terms: The World Council of Churches in Amsterdam, 1948
Jennifer Karns Alexander
Chapter 14: Beyond Tools, Means, and Ends: Explorations into the Post-Instrumental Erehwon
Jean Robert
Chapter 15: Understanding Bureaucratic Order: The Theological Paradigms of Modern Hierarchy
Sajay Samuel
Chapter 16: What Religion, What Technology? A Wittgensteinian Approach
Andoni Alonso
Chapter 17: Bioethics, Philosophy, and Religious Wisdom: A Critical Assessment of Leon Kass’s Thought
Larry Arnhart
Part IV: Science and Technology Studies
Chapter 18: Ethics and the Search for Scientific Knowledge: The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth?
Carlos Verdugo-Serna
Chapter 19: A Short History of Science, Truth, and Politics in the United States, 1945–2021
Daniel Sarewitz
Chapter 20: Moral Narratives of Technological Change in the Early Green Revolution
Suzanne Moon
Chapter 21: Momentum, Interrupted: Developing Habits of Discernment in Engineering and Beyond
Jen Schneider
Chapter 22: Innovation Policy Driven by the Market: The Second Great Disembeddedness
José Luís Garcia
Part V: Science and Technology Policy
Chapter 23: Irrational Energy Ethics
Adam Briggle
Chapter 24: Paradoxical Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Women’s Farming, Oil, and Sustainable Development
Tricia Glazebrook and Gordon Akon-Yamga
Chapter 25: The Pandemic and Clamor for Vaccines: Ethical-Legal Considerations for Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Sharing
Pamela Andanda
Chapter 26: An Effective History of the Basic-Applied Distinction in “Science” Policy
J. Britt Holbrook
Chapter 27: Technological Risks, Institutional Wariness, and the Dynamics of Trust
José A. López Cerezo
About the Contributors
About the Editors