1: Individualism
The Mask Controversy
Why All the Drama?
What is American Individualism?
A Culture of Individualism
Economic Individualism
Individualism in Economic Theory
What’s Wrong with Individualism?
Sociology as Myth Buster
2: Becoming a Person
Evil Witches
Missing Links
The Socially Constructed Person
Language and the Power of Symbols
The Sociology of Thought
Group Differences in Social Cognition
The Sociology of Emotion
The Sociology of Identity
3: Conformity and Disobedience
Obedience to Authority
Questioning Authority
Resisting Authority
Solidarity and Conflict Between Groups
Group Identity
4: Family Matters
The Myth of Meritocracy
Alexander Williams
Tyrec Taylor
The Relationship Between Class and Family Life
Class Competition
Cultural Capital
Sources of Cultural Capital
The Privilege of Class
5: Globalization
A New Type of Capitalism
Communities in Crisis
China Blues
Global Connections
Who Benefits?
Care for Sale
6: Government Control
What is The State?
Types of State Power
The Shooting
The Protest
The Sociological Context
State Borders and State Power
Borders are Not for Everyone
Making the Invisible Visible
7: From the Printing Press to the Internet
How Media Shapes Our Lives
The Power of the Printing Press
How the Printing Press Changed People
How the Printing Press Changed Society
How New Electronic Media Changed People
Media Addiction?
The Danger of Social Media
The Death of Molly Russell
How Electronic Media Changes Society
Social Change and Social Media
8: From “Me” to “We”
A Woman and a Movement
What is a Social Movement?
Social Movements and Democracy
Global Democracy
The Globalization Movement
The World Trade Organization
Protecting Power
Global Solidarity
About the Author