11/16/23, Faculti: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski discuss the book.
Link: https://faculti.net/glass-walls/
4/18/23, Get Smarter with Books: This book was featured on a popular self-help page.
Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CrLi5AlLF5_/
6/14/23, Forbes: Strategies from the book are highlighted in this article about “office housework.”
Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2023/06/14/women-do-more-office-housework-heres-how-to-avoid-it/?sh=184db9295dce
5/29/23, Authority Magazine: Authors Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski are interviewed about the future of work and the book is mentioned.
Link: https://medium.com/authority-magazine/the-great-resignation-the-future-of-work-amy-diehl-and-leanne-dzubinski-on-how-employers-and-5283302beb0f
5/18/23, Livlyhood: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski are interviewed about the book.
Link: https://www.livlyhood.com/post/glass-walls-shattering-the-six-gender-bias-barriers-still-holding-women-back-at-work
6/26/23, Fast Company: In an excerpt from the book, the authors explain “that the credibility deficit is a type of devaluation, one of the six glass walls of gender bias.”
Link: https://www.fastcompany.com/90913449/credibility-deficit-hurting-employees
6/26/23, Voice America Leadership Development News: Authors Amy Diehl and Leanne M. Dzubinski discuss the book with hosts Cathy Greenberg and Relly Nadler
Link: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/145587/glass-walls-shattering-the-six-gender-bias-barriers
6/27/23, Real as Feedback podcast: Amy Diehl and Leanne M. Dzubinski discuss the book as well as gender biases in the workplace with hosts Jackye Clayton and Kieran Snyder.
Link: https://www.realasfeedback.com/how-gender-bias-creates-career-barriers-ft-amy-diehl-and-leanne-m-dzubinski/
7/20/23, BizWomen: Anne Stych covers the authors’ work and the book extensively in this article on how women can combat gendered ageism at work.
Link: https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2023/07/never-right-age-bias-how-women-can-combat.html?page=all
7/31/21, The Globe and Mail: The book was featured in an article about gender bias in the workplace.
Link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/careers/management/article-the-six-barriers-women-face-in-the-workplace-and-what-we-can-do-to/
6/14/23, Harvard Business Review: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski author a piece related to the book on ageism in the workplace at every age.
Link: https://hbr.org/2023/06/women-in-leadership-face-ageism-at-every-age
8/23/23, KMC - Katie Couric Media:
In an article about how women face gendered ageism throughout their careers, Amy Diehl and Leanne M. Dzubinski discuss their work and the book.
Link: https://katiecouric.com/lifestyle/workplace/ageism-in-the-workplace/
8/26/23, Debbie Laskey’s Blog: Amy Diehl joins Debbie Laskey for an author Q&A on the occasion of Women's Equality Day.
Link: https://www.debbielaskeysblog.com/2023/08/gender-bias-and-womens-equality-day.html
9/6/23, SheKnows.com and Yahoo Lifestyle: The authors discuss the book in this “30 Criticisms That Hold Women Leaders Back” article that was featured first in SheKnows and amplified on Yahoo.
SheKnows link: https://www.sheknows.com/living/articles/2839276/criticisms-that-hold-women-leaders-back/
Yahoo link: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/30-criticisms-hold-women-leaders-212404971.html
9/21/23, The Society Pages, Council on Contemporary Families: Alicia M. Walker profiles co-author Amy Diehl in this feature.
Link: https://thesocietypages.org/ccf/
9/27/23, Forbes: The book is referenced in this article about establishing credibility in a professional introduction.
Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/starlasampaco/2023/09/27/how-to-establish-credibility-in-a-self-introduction/?sh=33074db91d3a
9/28/23, Shiny Happy People podcast: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski discuss workplace gender biases and host Vinay Kumar raves about the book.
Link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1079732/13678191
10/1/23, Voice of America: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski are interviewed about gendered ageism and the book is prominently featured.
Link: https://www.voanews.com/a/for-women-there-s-never-a-right-age-to-lead/7288932.html
10/10/23, PowerMinds / Amazing Positive Energy podcast: Dr. Alex Steinberg interviewed Leanne Dzubinski about the book.
Link: https://medium.com/change-your-mind/making-the-invisible-visible-what-gender-bias-actually-looks-like-7246d8f2c3b8
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Ll5aXuqjjk0?feature=shared
10/13/23, The Unburdened Leader podcast: Amy Diehl discussed navigating gender bias in the workplace with host Rebecca Ching.
Link: https://www.rebeccaching.com/blog/89-amy-diehl
10/18/23, The Balance Dilemma podcast: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski discuss career advancement and the way women are held back.
Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5wJF5iJM5xpJkk1iwtu6Jw?go=1&sp_cid=e18f25db148e7bbbfd54cca9518511a1&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1
10/24/23, USA Today: In Nicole Fallert’s article about the Iceland work walkout by women, Amy Diehl weighs in and the book is mentioned.
Link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2023/10/24/iceland-women-gender-pay-gap-strike-lessons/71298879007/
10/19/23, Impact Entrepreneur: The book is mentioned in this article about bridging the gender equality gap.
Link: https://impactentrepreneur.com/harnessing-data-to-bridge-the-gender-equality-gap/
1/11/24, Big Careers, Small Children podcast: Verena Hefti discusses the book with Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski.
Link: https://www.leadersplus.org/159-big-careers-small-children-dr-amy-diehl-dr-leanne-dzubinski-shattering-the-gender-bias-barriers-still-holding-women-back-at-work/
12/18/23, Capital & Main: Amy Diehl is quoted and the book is mentioned in this article on gender discrimination on Wall Street.
Link: https://capitalandmain.com/despite-historic-discrimination-settlement-little-has-changed-for-women-on-wall-street
12/19/23, The New Rules of Business podcast: Chief co-founder Lindsay Kaplan talks with Amy Diehl about how gender bias and ageism impact our perception of leadership.
Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-theres-still-no-right-age-for-women-leaders/id1591963543?i=1000639057568
1/30/24, The Jimmy Malone Show: Jimmy Malone discusses the book with Amy Diehl.
Link: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1248-the-jimmy-malone-show-80324653/episode/the-jimmy-malone-show-amy-diehl-146589543/
1/29/24, The Story of Woman podcast: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski are interviewed about gender bias in the workplace, highlighting themes from the book.
Link: https://thestoryofwomanpodcast.com/episode/s3-e4-shattering-the-six-gender-bias-barriers-still-holding-women-back-at-work-with-amy-diehl-and-leanne-dzubinski-authors-of-glass-walls
2/29/24, The Visible Voices podcast: Resa Lewiss interviewed Amy Diehl about how to create more equitable workplaces.
Link: https://thevisiblevoicespodcast.podbean.com/e/author-amy-diehl-on-glass-walls-shattering-gender-bias-barriers-in-the-workplace/
3/13/24, Choice: The “Resources on Women’s Advancement in the Workplace” roundup features this book.
Link: https://www.choice360.org/tie-post/resources-on-womens-advancement-in-the-workplace/
3/18/24, Candid: This book is featured in a Women’s History Month roundup.
Link: https://blog.candid.org/post/9-womens-history-month-books-to-read-in-2024/
LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/candiddotorg_womenshistorymonth-activity-7175823331206529024-B5F9
3/14/24, The Executive Coach for Moms podcast: Leanna Laskey McGrath interviews Amy Diehl.
Link: https://podcast.coachleanna.com/gender-bias-research-with-amy-diehl/
3/22/24, Friday Power Lunch by Network NOVA: Amy Diehl joins a panel on the challenges women face in the workplace and the book is featured.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caqLBPessxo
4/1/24, WITF Radio’s The Spark (Harrisburg, PA): Amy Diehl discusses the book and the April 8 talk at Dickinson College.
Link: https://www.witf.org/2024/04/01/book-identifies-six-gender-biases-that-women-still-face/
NPR’s The Spark link: https://www.npr.org/podcasts/381444795/the-spark
4/15/24, Courageous Conversations podcast: Amy Diehl is interviewed on the Erickson Coaching International podcast.
Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5km3Ex3PC8qrtSIy2R0j2K
4/26/24, POLITICO: Amy Diehl is interviewed for this article about women leaders in academia and the fallout from campus protests. The book is mentioned.
Link: https://www.politico.com/newsletters/women-rule/2024/04/26/falling-from-the-ivies-00154502
5/4/24, WHTM-TV’s Good Day PA: Amy Diehl discusses the book in this author spotlight segment.
Link: https://www.abc27.com/video/author-spotlight-amy-diehl/9662730
7/3/24T, IME: A social media post from Amy Diehl is included in this article and the book is mentioned.
Link: https://time.com/6994498/dallas-cowboys-cheerleaders-salary-americas-sweethearts-netflix/
7/30/2024, Harvard Business Review: An article by the authors about "maternal wall" at work referenced the book.
Link: https://hbr.org/2024/07/how-biases-about-motherhood-impact-all-women-at-work
7/30/2024, Fast Company: Amy Diehl and Leanne Dzubinski had written an article about what they call untitling and the book was mentioned.
Link: https://www.fastcompany.com/91164193/call-her-kamala-the-problem-with-using-a-first-name-only-for-professional-women